Can Fire Ants Kill Animals?

Can Fire Ants Kill Animals?Fire ants can and will kill animals. They are especially capable of taking down those who are elderly, young, weak, or sick. Understanding this can make controlling your ant population, with the help of the proven treatments provided by Fire Ant Specialists, a prime focus. When you book treatments 2-3 times a year, your pasture, farm, or field will remain up to 90% fire ant free.

If our treatments don’t provide you with the mentioned level of protection, just give us a call. We will return and do a spot treatment at no cost to you.

Animals and Fire Ants – The Issue and the Answer

The Southeast region of the US has been experiencing problems caused by imported red fire ants. These pests are particularly challenging for facilities that handle livestock.

Fire ant stings have been known to cause serious pain and even potential allergic reactions in some people. These reactions can lead to anaphylaxis. This means that fire ants can not only kill animals but also people. Protecting your animals and loved ones is essential.

Sadly, eradicating fire ants from your property is a pipe dream. Until we have new science, the best you can do is take charge and suppress their presence on your property. We do this by targeting the queen, the reproductive source. Fire Ant Specialists uses material that makes the queen infertile, which ultimately brings about a natural death to the colony.

Known as Solenopsis invicta, the red imported fire ant entered our country through the Port of Mobile in the early 1930s. Due to their love of warmth and humidity, these ants flourish in the Southeast, especially Florida. Red imported fire ants are aggressive, quick-breeders with little competition for the natural resources of the places where they choose to reside.

Quarantining infested areas has been an attempt to keep these invasive pests under control. So, with the help of our sister companies, Fire Ant Specialists can treat up to 1000 acres a day. We can also offer services on the weekends to ensure that your work days experience less disruption.

The Battle isn’t Yours Alone

While most people think that colonies exist with one queen, some have many queens. The colonies that only have one queen become very territorial and will fight with other colonies that move into the area. Ants battling ants.

If your property has a colony with many queens, they are likely all working in synergy. This makes their population vast and dense. But you don’t have to fight them alone.

At Fire Ant Specialists, we know how to target single and multi-queen colonies to make your property as safe as possible for you and your animals.

When choosing a fire ant treatment, you want one that can be used around those animals you seek to protect. We use a granular bait that is regulated and safe for people and animals.

Now you know: there are times in which fire ants can kill animals. Reach out for effective fire ant treatment. Click here or call 352-291-2687 to book treatment or receive a free estimate from Fire Ant Specialists.

Custom Application

Service Guaranteed

We use a safe and effective process that will eliminate the worry of fire ants from your farm, nursery, home or business.

With just 2-3 treatments per year and our guarantee results, we can establish and sustain a great fire ant control program for your property. Our system works deep to get at fire ants you can’t see. Not only will you save a lot of money, you will believe that fire ants can be controlled.

Other companies may use contact poisons that only get the surface ants.
Unfortunately, that only lasts up to 30 days and is very expensive.

And the guarantee is simple:

If our service does not work within the time frame specified to you at the time of application, we will spot treat the area of infestation at no charge.

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