Can Fire Ants Kill Plants?

Can Fire Ants Kill Plants?A beautifully landscaped lawn with lush greenery and beautiful flowers requires time, effort, and funds. Knowing that fire ants can kill plants should also inspire you to book treatment from the Fire Ant Specialists.

With a legacy dating back to 1993, Fire Ant Specialists, in collaboration with our sister companies, have been the trusted choice of property owners and managers across Florida. Our safe and affordable fire ant treatments have proven effective over extended periods. Operating from our primary office in Ocala, we extend our services to clients beyond our immediate reach through our sister companies in other parts of Florida.

Plants versus Fire Ants

Gardening, a beloved pastime for many Floridians, is a source of joy and nourishment. However, the presence of fire ants can turn this bliss into a nightmare. These pests pose a significant threat to your plants, often destroying precious seedlings and plantings through their feeding and nesting activities.

In addition to killing your precious flowers or crops, fire ants will attack you or your workers while they take care of the plantings. Accidentally stepping into a mound, reaching into an area where the greenery is thick and the fire ants abound, or simply walking through a garden. In contrast, the fire ants are active, which will inevitably lead to injury from fire ant stings.

Fire Ant Specialists offer a safe solution to use around yourself, your plants, and your animals. Our team will consider your property, plan a solution, and implement it thoroughly and quickly. We will give you a time frame at the time of service, and you can rely on the treatment to work by the end of that period. If you are dissatisfied with the results by then, we will return and spot-treat the area of infestation for free. That is our guarantee to you.

Fire Ant Specialists provides precise wall-to-wall application rates without disrupting your day or damaging your property. Weekend services are available, and we aim to please with dedicated customer service.

Fire ants in your garden come from somewhere. Whether they traveled over from your lawn or your neighbor’s yard, within products purchased at the plant nursery, or flew over after mating to establish a new colony, fire ants will return without maintenance treatments. We urge clients to schedule service two to three times per year for maximum protection.

From home gardens to farms, plant and tree nurseries, commercial landscapes, cemeteries, parks, and beyond, if a property is in our service area, it probably has fire ants, and we can help. In Fire Ant Specialists, the state of Florida’s primary pest has met its match. Within a single life cycle, we will dispatch the colony.

We offer something other services don’t, and that is deep, effective, and long-lasting treatment. The poisons that other services use may satisfy with hundreds of dead fire ants on the surface, but the egg factory that is the queen will continue churning out new colonizers below ground. We will eliminate her in order to eliminate the colony as a whole.

Click here or call 352-291-2687 to book Fire Ant Specialists and take care of fire ants that can kill plants and ruin your landscaping and your gardening experience. Reach out at your convenience with questions, consultations, or service requests via phone, our online request form, or by emailing

Custom Application

Service Guaranteed

We use a safe and effective process that will eliminate the worry of fire ants from your farm, nursery, home or business.

With just 2-3 treatments per year and our guarantee results, we can establish and sustain a great fire ant control program for your property. Our system works deep to get at fire ants you can’t see. Not only will you save a lot of money, you will believe that fire ants can be controlled.

Other companies may use contact poisons that only get the surface ants.
Unfortunately, that only lasts up to 30 days and is very expensive.

And the guarantee is simple:

If our service does not work within the time frame specified to you at the time of application, we will spot treat the area of infestation at no charge.

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