Fire Ant Treatment in Ocala, FL

Fire Ant Treatment in Ocala, FLFire ant treatment in Ocala, FL, is as essential a part of property ownership as air conditioning. Heat in the summer and fire ants should be expected by Florida residents. Fire Ant Specialists provide the level of treatment required for the safety of your family, friends, and pets and protection for your property from the damage caused by fire ant activity.

From horse ranches to parks and athletic fields, landscapes of single- or multi-family residences, and more, we at Fire Ant Specialists promise a nearly fire-ant-free property when you reserve treatment from us two or three times per year, depending on the situation and the evaluation of our experts.

What to Expect from Fire Ant Specialists’ Service

Stables, pastures, hay bales, lawns, golf courses, and even parking lots appeal to fire ants as prime real estate for habitation, and the damage they can do will surprise most property owners. Unfortunately, the horses, cattle, workers, and golfers who try to use these areas are vulnerable to vicious attacks when the area hasn’t been treated appropriately for fire ants. For property owners and managers who choose another provider than Fire Ant Specialists, the battle will be expensive, and the results will be short-lived.

Fire Ant Specialists provides successful, affordable, and durable treatment. For over thirty years, we and our sister companies have freed our clients from the scourge of fire ants. Our service is available throughout the state of Florida, and we can treat up to 1,000 acres daily, even on the weekends, to minimize the disruption to your operations.

The experience we bring to our clients is key. We have honed our application strategies and discovered the ideal products. From pre-treatment evaluations to a promise of success, we take all of the steps needed to satisfy our clients’ needs. If our service doesn’t deliver the promised results within the promised time frame, we will return and spot-treat your property free of charge.

The right products are critical to success. Sprays targeting individual ants might bring satisfaction, but the results will last less than one fire ant life cycle or about a month. On the other hand, the Fire Ant Specialist treatment provides nearly 100% freedom from fire ants within one life cycle. We make it impossible for new fire ants to hatch, so the colony and living ants expire. We can’t promise complete protection because fire ants are very mobile, but we can provide protection to prevent injury and property damage with routine retreatment.

Fire ants have a unique venom that causes burning and itching blisters that will linger for about a week for most victims. In other cases, a small portion of the population is allergic, which can cause localized or even anaphylactic reactions. As for property damage, fire ants can undermine home foundations and parking lots, destroy wiring, and more.

As important as the products we use is our service. We respect your time and your property. The earlier you reserve service, the faster your property will be protected, limiting any damage that may occur from fire ants.

Click here or call 352-291-2687 to discuss the best fire ant treatment provided by Fire Ant Specialists in Ocala, FL.

Custom Application

Service Guaranteed

We use a safe and effective process that will eliminate the worry of fire ants from your farm, nursery, home or business.

With just 2-3 treatments per year and our guarantee results, we can establish and sustain a great fire ant control program for your property. Our system works deep to get at fire ants you can’t see. Not only will you save a lot of money, you will believe that fire ants can be controlled.

Other companies may use contact poisons that only get the surface ants.
Unfortunately, that only lasts up to 30 days and is very expensive.

And the guarantee is simple:

If our service does not work within the time frame specified to you at the time of application, we will spot treat the area of infestation at no charge.

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Fire Ant Specialists
Specialists in Florida?

We welcome your questions and will provide an estimate upon request.

Simply fill out the information to the right or call us Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

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Send us a request. Our treatment is fast, affordable, effective, and guaranteed.