Fire Ant Treatment in Spring Hill, FL

Fire Ant SpecialistsFire Ant Treatment in Spring Hill, FL offers fire ant treatment for residential, commercial, and agricultural properties in Spring Hill, FL. We employ a granular bait that has been proven safe and effective around animals and people.

Hazards of Fire Ant Presence

There are two main hazards of having a fire ant presence on your property: injury and damage. Most people are aware of the fact that fire ant stings are painful and can even lead to allergic reactions and death in some people. But did you know that their nests can cause extensive damage to housing, parking lot foundations, and essential well pump wiring?

One sign of a fire ant infestation is the appearance of their mounds. However, they can also be active and present without even a single mound. When you get a hard, heavy rain, look at the higher ground on your property. Specifically, pay attention to vertical structures like trees and fence posts. If you see freshly built mounds, that is a clear indication of their active presence.

Bear in mind that these ants tunnel and live far underground, and their colonies beneath the surface can reach as far as 30 feet! These colonies can hold hundreds of thousands of ants, including multiple queens who churn out replacement workers daily.

Typical fire ant treatments, even those that kill thousands of worker ants, can only provide short-term results. This is because more replacement ants are developing into pupae and larvae. The reproductive process must be addressed if you want to succeed in your fire ant control methods. That means the queen, or queens, must be eliminated.

Eliminate the Queens

Protecting and caring for the queen and her new generation of eggs is the primary objective of every worker ant in the colony. These workers provide food sources and ensure the safety of their colonies. And, these ants can live up to six weeks. However, their queens can live as long as six years!

The queen only needs one set of eggs to establish her colony. The workers can’t start their own colonies. This makes the queen the necessary target for eliminating fire ants from your property.

Fire Ant Specialists uses a method that halts the queen’s reproductive ability. This way, the colony dies when those worker ants expire. Other measures will leave the queen alive and repopulating even when you are killing visible workers.

Fire ants are mobile and will relocate and establish new colonies quite frequently. Maturation, weather conditions, and resource availability are typically the causes of the migrations. That’s why it is essential to maintain fire ant protection on your property. One treatment from Fire Ant Specialists will significantly damage the population, but you will need two to three treatments a year to enjoy maximum protection and sustain a good fire ant control program.

Since 1993, Fire Ant Specialists has offered custom fire ant control, and we guarantee results. If our treatment doesn’t provide the promised results within the timeframe we’ve stated, we will spot-treat your troubled areas for free. Your satisfaction is our greatest desire.

Click here or call (352) 291-ANTS (2687) for fire ant treatment in Spring Hill, FL. We guarantee results by targeting the root of the problem rather than its symptoms.

Custom Application

Service Guaranteed

We use a safe and effective process that will eliminate the worry of fire ants from your farm, nursery, home or business.

With just 2-3 treatments per year and our guarantee results, we can establish and sustain a great fire ant control program for your property. Our system works deep to get at fire ants you can’t see. Not only will you save a lot of money, you will believe that fire ants can be controlled.

Other companies may use contact poisons that only get the surface ants.
Unfortunately, that only lasts up to 30 days and is very expensive.

And the guarantee is simple:

If our service does not work within the time frame specified to you at the time of application, we will spot treat the area of infestation at no charge.

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Fire Ant Specialists
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Simply fill out the information to the right or call us Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

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